For Release October 31, 2004

The Miracle of the Voting Booth

by Chuck Otte, Geary County Extension Agent

Back in the 1700's, when our country was being founded, there were some truly incredible debates and discussions raging. One of the hot debates centered on what form of government this new country should have. Of course there were all sorts of options, but two were strongly in the running.

On the one hand there was a group that felt the best government would be a benevolent dictatorship. A few people at the top would know what was best for everyone and they would make the decisions. If this seems a bit aristocratic to you, you're right. Invariably benevolent dictatorships end up simply being dictatorships.

In the other camp was the group that wanted a democracy. This camp included, of course, Thomas Jefferson. Tom believed that everyone was entitled to an equal say in how the government was ran. Tom believed in, as was well stated in the preamble of the Constitution, a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Everyone, rich or poor, regardless of education level, deserved to have their fair say in the government. I think we all know which camp won!

Tuesday, November 2nd is election day. I will be at my polling place within the first hour to cast my vote as I do for every election, regardless of the race or the issues. I believe strongly that this country is run by those who show up. That is, those who show up to vote. We have seen far too much voter apathy in recent years. People who don't think that their vote matters, or who don't know about the candidates or who apparently just don't care about anything. People who are registered to vote and don't, just make me mad!

The Voting Booth is a wonderful place that has always fascinated me. But it took me a long time to figure out why. First of all, there are people dying around the world so that people can do what too many times we take for granted. That is, to vote on a secret ballot for political candidates who will guide this country. I wonder what goes through the mind of some of those people the first time that they really get to vote in a fair and open election?

But more importantly the voting booth is the great equalizer. It does what legislation for decades has tried to do. It makes everyone truly equal. I could walk into the voting booth and the richest man in the United States can walk into a voting booth and we are equal. I get one vote and they get one vote. Sure, that rich individual can donate far more money to the candidates of choice than I can. But when it comes down to election day and we cast our ballot, we each get only one vote.

I may walk into the voting booth Tuesday and on one side of me may be an 18 year old high school senior voting for the first time and on the other side may be the 90 year old retiree who has voted more times than I can imagine. We all will get one vote. All the education, age, sex, race and money are miraculously shed away when we step into the voting booth. Everyone becomes equal and we all get one vote.

But that vote only counts, if it is cast. You can talk yourself blue in the face about the candidates and the issues, but if you don't walk into the voting booth and cast a ballot, it's nothing but hot air. I'll be at the county office building on Tuesday night, like most election nights, helping to display returns so the Geary County citizens can keep track of how the races are going. I hope that it takes a while to get all the results because there are so many ballots to run through the machine. Take part in a miracle on Tuesday, get out and vote!


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