Minutes of the Geary County Rural Fire Board Trustees Meeting
For October 7, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by Assistant Fire Chief Brian Clark in the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman.
Roll call was taken. Districts present: Jackson, Blakely, Lyon, Milford, and Fire Chief Berges. Districts absent: Jefferson, Smoky Hill, and Wingfield. Also present was County Extension Agent Chuck Otte.
Bob Forman moved to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded and passed 5 – 0.
Fire Chief Berges reviewed the breakdown of calls received January thru September 2009 in comparison to the same period in 2008. So far for 2009 there have been 142 runs of all types. This compares to 104 in the same period in 2008 and a total of 129 runs during all of 2008.
The Firefighter 1 class will be starting soon. It looks like there will be about 15 people signed up for this training. Anyone who is interested needs to contact Garry.
There has been no word received yet on the federal fire grant for thermal imaging cameras and a commercial washer and dryer for bunker gear. Nothing has been received yet on the status of the grant for the new fire station.
The light at Humboldt Fire Station has been repaired and is now working. The Daily Union attended a recent fire fighter training session and had good photos and a good article in the paper.
Chuck Otte reported that the annual elections information and paper work has been sent to the district presidents with copies to the trustees. Election deadline is November 18th.
Unfinished Business: Chief Berges reported on the unknown status of the fire station grant in his report.
New Business: There was general discussion on how to attract younger volunteers and a discussion of the advantages of local volunteers with knowledge of the area.
The next meeting will be December 2nd.
Oliver Schmutz moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and passed 5 – 0.
Respectfully submitted,
Chuck Otte
Recording Secretary