Air January 9, 2002

Thank you Mark, good morning everyone. We are hot and heavy into the winter meeting season! One that we need to get a few more folks signed up for or we’ll have to cancel it is the Ag Computing Expo, this Saturday, January 12th at the Geary County 4-H/Sr. Citizens Building. It costs $20, but we have to have 20 signed up by noon tomorrow or we’re going to have to cancel it. If you want to go to this excellent day long workshop, call the Extension Office today at 238-4161! 

Let me take just spend my time this morning outlining a few other outstanding programs coming up in the area over the next two months. The four state beef conference is next Thursday, January 17th in Clay Center. This program runs from 3:30 to 9 and has always been very very good. This year’s topics are: To Precondition or Not; Year around Grazing management, cost effective mineral programs for beef cows and stockers and developing a marketing plan for your cattle. The year around grazing management topic should be of interest to a lot of producers - the speaker for this one is Dr. Bruce Anderson from Nebraska. They’ve been doing a lot of research and field studies of many non-traditional grazing practices at Nebraska over the past 10 years or so. Dr. Anderson was at Nebraska before I came down here and he presents a very good program! Call the Extension Office by the end of the week to pre-register. The annual no-till on the plains is January 21st and 22nd at the Bicentennial Center in Salina. On January 25th there will be a program on the 2002 Farm Bill. The program will be at Pottorf Hall in Cico Park, Manhattan and runs from 10 AM til 3 PM. There’s a nominal $2 registration fee for materials and lunch is being provided by Frontier Farm Credit. February 5th will bring us an in-depth Alfalfa production school at Fairview Church Fellowship Hall in Riley County. This program starts at 7 PM. ON February 13th we will be having an in-depth corn production school at the Milford City Building. This program will start at 9:30 AM and adjourn by 2 PM. There will be a $10 registration fee for refreshments and lunch. This is going to be an in-depth school and we will discuss a lot of the new production techniques, like narrow rows and high populations, that are coming out of the corn belt. That’s enough meetings for this morning, call me if you need more information!

This is Chuck Otte, Geary County Extension Agent, with Ag Outlook 2002.

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