Air December 29, 2004

Thank you Jerry, and good morning everyone.

Here we are, the last program of 2004, let's get on with it! Just a reminder of the 4 State Beef Conference that will be in Abilene's Sterl Hall on January 12 starting at 10 a.m. and concluding by 2:30 p.m. A noon meal is included in the registration cost of $25. You need to call in reservations by the 7th of January. The four speakers are top notch and the topics are very timely!

Between now and next Monday, there's going to be a lot of miles put on the highway by a lot of people. And right smack dab in the middle of all that is going to be a notorious partying holiday. It is up to no one but you, to insure that you and your family have a safe New Year's holiday. Sure there's the problem of drinking and driving, but it's more than just that, it's fatigue as well. And the staying up later than you are used to, and driving late at night and in many cases many miles further than you are used to driving. Just a few nights ago, we came back from Omaha where we had been visiting family for Christmas and going to a concert. Of course by the time the concert got over, we knew we'd be traveling late at night. In fact, by the time my normal bed time had rolled around, we had just cleared Lincoln and had 150 miles of road ahead. So late night traveling is something I've had recent experience with. You have an increased risk of an accident during the coming days, so let's review some of the simple things that can make your travel safer. The good news is that there aren't any snow or ice storms scheduled to roll in during the next week. BUT you're not out of the woods. First of all, IF you are going to be driving, do not partake of anything that will impair your judgment and driving ability. That can include prescription and non-prescription medication or large heavy meals in addition to alcohol. Wear your seat belt and make sure everyone in your vehicle wears their seat belt. Keep your vehicle in good operating condition. Take regular breaks to just get out and stretch for a few minutes. By regular I mean once an hour! Don't drive aggressively, drive defensively, and look out for the other guy. It's up to all of us to make sure we have an accident free New Year's holiday!

This is Chuck Otte, Geary County Extension Agent, with Ag Outlook 2004, wishing everyone a very happy and safe New Year.

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